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Quickbooks Won't Open

QuickBooks is a highly beneficial tool for entrepreneurs, accountants, and even those who belong from non-accounting backgrounds. Not only this, it can easily integrate with multiple systems and applications while performing all of your accounting and bookkeeping tasks. So, working without Quickbooks is unimaginable even for a single day.
Just imagine, you are performing some crucial tasks and your Quickbooks won’t open or taking endless time to get opened? It’s a nightmare situation that can put your crucial work like taxing, invoicing, payments, etc on halt. This error is super frustrating and delays your work.

When Quickbooks Won’t Open Error Attacks The System?

The error Quickbooks won’t open attacks your system when you are trying to open your company file. When you tap the click on a company file, an action denies access. After that it displays an error message reading QuickBooks won’t open or fails to open.
After getting this problem, users begin experiencing other issues such as:

  • Slow response from the computer.
  • The system stops responding to the output devices.
  • Software hangs.
  • Quickbooks does not open.

Therefore, when you are trying to access your QuickBooks Company file, keep all these things in consideration. In case your files get damaged or corrupt, just check the file instantly and try to sort it out. Then only you can access your data without any problem.

Reasons Why You face QuickBooks Won’t Open The Company File Problem

Multiple factors cause the company files to stop functioning and showing errors. Out of them, the most common ones are listed here.

  • Your company files have gone corrupt or damaged.
  • The files of your system are already opened somewhere in another computer in a multi-user network.
  • There is a chance, you might be using an invalid method to access the file.
  • The company file is showing a report issue.
  • You are using an old and update QuickBooks software.
  • The name of your company file is too long or contains some symbols and unique characters.

What To Do When You Encounter Quickbooks Won’t Open

There are multiple techniques to repair QuickBooks so that it does not develop into a huge problem.

Exit QBW32.exe process

The first step is to remove this exe file from the computer’s operating system. You can perform the same by the following steps:

  • First, and most importantly, right-tap on “Windows Taskbar”.
  • Afterward, go to “Processes” and click on “Image Name” to set the processes alphabetically.
  • Search and choose QBW32.EXE. Now hit “End Process” for finishing up the process.

Once you perform these effective steps, the QBW32.exe process will be closed. After that, it becomes easy for you to open the company file by simply clicking on it.

Suppress Your QuickBooks Application

Sometimes, your files become damaged and corrupt stoping your company file to open.
In such a situation, you need to check that the Quickbooks app is working properly. There is a chance that the software is trying to open an old company file, therefore, it’s crucial to verify if the company file or program is functioning correctly.

  • Firstly, press “Ctrl” and then tap twice on the “QuickBooks Software” icon.
  • Note: Hold down the “Ctrl” key till you see the window of “No Company Open” or unless the software freezes or shows an error.
  • Choose a particular company file and click “Open”.

If your file trouble-freely opens, it means you can carry on your company work.

Restart Your Desktop

When you restart your desktop, it brings the system from scratch and also eliminates the existing status of your application. After restarting the desktop, try opening your Quickbooks again. It can open now without any problem.

Re-register QuickBooks

If Quickbooks won’t open, confirm that QuickBooks is registered already. Do it now, if it’s not.

Checking QuickBook’s Registration:

  • Open QuickBooks, press “F2”. Doing this will take you to the product information page.
  • Moreover, look at the license number’s right side to check the Quickbooks’ registration status of QuickBooks at the right of the license number.
  • If you are registered already, it will show you as registered and you can start working.

If You Are Not Registered For QuickBooks:

  • First, hit “OK” on the Product Information window to close it.
  • Moving on, tap on “Help” and select “Activate QuickBooks”.
  • Then obey the prompts appearing on the screen to validate your details and conclude the activation step

Rename The .ND and .TLG Extension Files

Many times users save the file with long names which means exceeding the given limit. Therefore, they see Quickbooks won’t open issues. Thus, it is recommended to make the company file name under the words limit by changing the name with extension .ND. and TLG extensions.

  • Open that particular folder where you had saved the company file.
  • Right-tap on the.TLG file and change it to OLD.qbw.TLG. Remember that the extension of the file is the same as that of the company file. You need to follow the exact steps for renaming the.ND file as well.
  • Access your company files now, it will easily open.

Copy Your Quickbooks Company File In Other Folder

Copy your company file (if located on the network drive) to your computer’s local drive where you’re working. into your network settings. for this, you can run the wonder tool – QuickBooks File Doctor.

  • Make a blank folder in the system’s C: drive.
  • Access the folder having your company file.
  • Hold “Ctrl” and select your specific company file. Note: Choose the .TLG extension of the company file.
  • Thereafter, right-tap on it and choose “Copy”.
  • Now access the new folder after that. Right-tap and choose “Paste”/push “Ctrl + V” keys.

In the end, you can resume your work on the system without any problem.


The top five methods to use while encountering Quickbooks Won’t Open problem:

  1. Close QBW32.exe process.
  2. Restart Your Desktop.
  3. Rename The .ND and .TLG Extension Files.
  4. Re-register QuickBooks.
  5. Copy Your Quickbooks Company File In Other Folder.

There could be multiple factors behind the Quickbooks File taking a long time to open:

  1. The company files are damaged or have gone corrupt.
  2. The system files are opened already in other systems using a multi-user network.
  3. Using an incorrect method for opening the file.
  4. The company file is dealing with some report issues.
  5. Using outdated software.
  6. The company file name is either too long or includes some symbols or special characters.
  7. The name of your company file is too long or contains some symbols and unique characters.
  1. Update QuickBooks
  2. Figure out what’s causing the issue.
  3. Check the Quickbooks company file you’re accessing.
  4. Turn off all hostings on the system.
  5. Shift your Quickbooks company file.
  6. When closing the feature, turn off “Save”.